Monday, February 15, 2010

Southern Shores Canal Dredge A Bust.

Sunday, February 7, 2010

Recycle Fun Art

Here is a simple way to recycle those magazines you have hanging around the house.  While looking for recycled gift items last December at the Kill Devil Hills Artist Cooperative I found these lovely bows you see here.  Apparently these bows are made from very colorful strips of magazine paper and, because the paper is shiny and bright, the result is truly artistically pleasing!  I used them on gifts wrapped in newspaper for the total recycled effect which was a big wow with family and friends!  Hey, it beats trying to recycle that coated paper.  Try it!

Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Living Green Tip #12 Repair dripping faucets and showerheads. A drip rate of one drip per second can waste more than 3,000 gallons per year.
Corolla NC Charter School Meeting set. See details

Friday, January 22, 2010

A Long Love Affair

I love Southern Shores!  I was a young girl the first time I saw the beach at Sea Crest Village. It was the late 1950’s and we were almost the only family here!!  My father's friend had a home on Third Avenue where our family of 8, plus the dog, stayed for a week.  No air conditioning, but who noticed!  There was a sleeping porch that caught the ocean breeze and hundreds of frogs in the pond croaking all night. It was heaven!  We played with the dolphins, collected big conch shells, swam in the warm water and rode our bikes all over the Outer Banks.  This was many years before there even was a Corolla!  No phones, TV or even radio then.  Just a portable record player with vinyl that drove our parents nuts!!  In 1971, my parents built their own beach house on Third Avenue where every year the whole family gathered from all over the country. Although I moved to Los Angeles, my son learned to swim in the Atlantic ocean!  He always preferred the beach here.  Today he brings his science students each year for their marine biology field trip all the way from Cleveland.  And his 4 year old daughter Lucinda shares our love for our Southern Shores beach. They visit at least four times a year!  My parents sold that beach house when they moved to a year around residence on Sea Oats Trail.  They retired here from the Washington DC area, remaining in Southern Shores until their deaths in 1992 and 2009.  My father, who died last February, refused to leave Southern Shores, even when his eyesight failed and he had to climb 14 steps everyday to get in and out of the house.  His passion for his home brought me here as a full time resident 2000 and I will be forever grateful that he needed me.  What started as a holiday in 1958 became a way of life for my parents, my son and me.  Southern Shores has a way of embracing you, keeping you safe and happy.  It is my hope that other people who visit here will be able to transform their vacation into their own permanent paradise.

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Eligible for first or repeat homebuyer tax credit? find out here

Monday, January 18, 2010

Living Green Tip #11 Use a covered kettle or pan to boil water, it’s faster and uses less energy.